Gâfil ne bilir neş've-i pür-şevk-i vegâyı
(How would unwary know the joy of fighting a war in vigor)
Meydân-ı celâdetteki envar-ı sefâyı
(Light of purity emanating from the battlefield of heroism)
Merdân-ı gazâ aşk ile tekbirler alınca
(When the men of war started to scream "the god is great" in over excitement)
Titretti yine, rû-yı zemin arş-ı semâyı.
(The surface of the earth shooked again the vault of heaven )
Allah yolunda cenk edelim şân alalım şan
(Let's fight in name of the god and have all the glory )
Kur'an'da vaadediyor Hazret'i Yezdan.
(which the god is promising in Quran)
Farzeyledi Hallak-ı Cihan, harb-ü cihadı,
(Creator of the universe, made the holy war (Jihad) our religious duty)
Hep cenk ile yükselmede ecdadımın adı…
(Names of my ancestors have always been ascended through war)
Dünyaları feth eyleyen ecdadımız EL HAK,
(Our ancestor who conqured the world, for the name of god)
Adil idi, hıfzeyler idi, Hak-kı ibadı…
(were just and protective of rights of people)
Allah yolunda cenk edelim şân alalım şan
(Let's fight in name of the god and have all the glory )
Kur'an'da vaadediyor Hazret'i Yezdan.
(Which the god is promising in Quran)