Fan notes: Matt Czuchry / Cary Agos

by - 10:25:00 PM

When I started watching The Good Wife ( that's 2 weeks ago) I couldn't stand Cary Agos, but after binging 3 seasons and a bit ( yeah i know, I need a life lol) Matt Czuchry really started getting under my skin. He is such a great actor and manages to piss you off even when he's cute as a button. 

Not sure how his character will develop, but hopefully he will remain a balance between Alicia and Peter. To me he is a great way of showing that you can have good and bad characters without making them extra villains like things went with Scandal and House of Cards.

Ladies I will sure keep you up to date and I can't wait to get to date with The Good Wife. Let me know which is your favorite character and if Cary is on your top 3. I also love his name... <3

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